Certified & Qualified
Mark takes pride in holding the following inspector certifications awarded by InterNACHI®, the world's largest organization of residential and commercial property inspectors.
Trained, Licensed & Experienced
I am Licensed to conduct Home Inspections in the state of Maryland, MD HI License # 30090, and conduct inspections according to the Maryland Standards of Practice. I am compliant with Pennsylvania Home Inspection Regulation, Act 114. (PA has no HI Licensing) I have over 20 years experience as a homebuilder and re-modeler and have held a MD Home Improvement Contractor License.
My experience includes all aspects of new custom home construction and remodeling, both hands on and supervisory. I know homes and buildings, and their related components, from the ground up, inside and out. I’m a member in good standing of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. (InterNACHI) and have passed InterNACHI's Certified Inspector Examination. Examination. Certification #04030706.
I abide by InterNACHI's Code of Ethics and follow InterNACHI's Standards of Practice and the Maryland Standards of Practice when conducting inspections in Maryland. I am continually involved in a program of education and self-improvement. I fulfill 15 hours or more of continuing education in my field every year.
Received education in Building Science to obtain certification as Building Analyst with Building Performance Institute (BPI) I am a Certified Radon Tester, PA DEP Certification #2457 I developed and taught Continuing Education Courses for Realtors at Hagerstown Community College and Frederick Community College. These include "Green Concepts for Realtors" and "Problems Found In Home Inspections". I am an affiliate member of the Frederick County Association of Realtors. I am fully insured.